View the Versatile Beauty of the MetroWest Community


Metrowest is located just North of Dr Phillips. The community is a Master designed community. At the heart of Metrowest is the Metrowest Golf Course. The neighborhoods of Metrowest are all wrapped around the course. The development of the community began in 1986. The Master Association looks after all the roadways and signs throughout the community which are well manicured.

Charisma Realty Corp
Holiday Events


Nunc aliquet, risus eu vestibulum aliquam, ipsum nulla faucibus velit, vitae viverra lacus nulla vel elit. Ut ut fermentum purus. Quisque sit amet dolor arcu. Aenean sed ultricies quam, sed consequat sapien. Suspendisse ornare a magna a bibendum. Nullam consectetur vel nibh ut bibendum. Suspendisse lorem est, hendrerit id ante vel, vehicula facilisis diam. Ut gravida viverra ligula at tincidunt. Vestibulum scelerisque eu metus iaculis cursus. Nullam porta a augue et blandit. Aenean in diam vitae massa volutpat maximus vitae in risus. Aenean volutpat neque et consequat malesuada. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae egestas tellus, vel luctus dui.


Pellentesque scelerisque congue facilisis. Suspendisse rutrum ornare sapien et sollicitudin. Donec tempor nisl nisi, et sollicitudin sem tristique quis. Maecenas venenatis lacinia magna, id porta risus efficitur a. Praesent sit amet neque eget tortor ornare pulvinar. Fusce commodo tellus in odio elementum, a pretium libero cursus. Proin semper sagittis tristique.

Etiam eget varius orci, et sagittis justo. Duis nec ligula mollis, euismod erat non, venenatis ex. Pellentesque vel vestibulum tortor, porta aliquet erat. Sed laoreet erat sed nulla tincidunt iaculis. Proin convallis nisl eget lectus facilisis, sit amet facilisis odio tincidunt. Proin placerat quam tortor, quis tincidunt velit rhoncus vel. Phasellus pretium volutpat tellus, nec scelerisque augue facilisis eu. Ut iaculis fringilla odio quis vulputate. Vivamus nec felis tellus. Nunc volutpat eget enim vitae efficitur.


Nunc aliquet, risus eu vestibulum aliquam, ipsum nulla faucibus velit, vitae viverra lacus nulla vel elit. Ut ut fermentum purus. Quisque sit amet dolor arcu. Aenean sed ultricies quam, sed consequat sapien. Suspendisse ornare a magna a bibendum. Nullam consectetur vel nibh ut bibendum. Suspendisse lorem est, hendrerit id ante vel, vehicula facilisis diam. Ut gravida viverra ligula at tincidunt. Vestibulum scelerisque eu metus iaculis cursus. Nullam porta a augue et blandit. Aenean in diam vitae massa volutpat maximus vitae in risus. Aenean volutpat neque et consequat malesuada. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae egestas tellus, vel luctus dui.

Pellentesque scelerisque congue facilisis. Suspendisse rutrum ornare sapien et sollicitudin. Donec tempor nisl nisi, et sollicitudin sem tristique quis. Maecenas venenatis lacinia magna, id porta risus efficitur a. Praesent sit amet neque eget tortor ornare pulvinar. Fusce commodo tellus in odio elementum, a pretium libero cursus. Proin semper sagittis tristique.

Charisma Realty Corp


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam in ultrices erat. Quisque mi risus, accumsan at turpis eget, pulvinar semper nisl. Aliquam nec risus quis turpis placerat pulvinar. Aliquam ullamcorper est luctus nunc fringilla consequat. Praesent volutpat, nisi sed dignissim faucibus, leo turpis tempus nulla, at posuere nunc mi nec odio. Aenean blandit dignissim sollicitudin. Integer pharetra leo vitae ex dignissim laoreet.


Etiam sed tincidunt magna. Proin blandit sodales dignissim. Mauris ac eleifend mauris, sed dapibus arcu. Curabitur nec tellus lacinia, rhoncus elit ut, gravida leo. Quisque congue, justo vel finibus condimentum, mi elit vestibulum enim, et blandit velit ex nec velit. Nullam sed massa rhoncus, vestibulum velit pretium, eleifend enim. Suspendisse tristique ultricies erat sed tempus. Curabitur cursus tempus finibus.

The Metrowest Golf course is one of the most popular in Orlando. When the golf course originally opened it was managed by Arnold Palmer. The course also has tennis courts and a restaurant.

The children of Metrowest attend Metrowest Elementary, Gotha or Chain of Lakes Middle School, and Olympia High School.School zones change so if you are purchasing to get into a particular school make sure to check with the Orange County school board before buying your home. Also, the long awaited new high school in the Windermere and Winter Garden area will most likely change the local high school zones.

Metrowest has 8 single family home subdivisions totaling 1,259 homes. The vast majority of the community residents live in town homes, condominiums and apartments. With more than 5,300 living in condominiums and nearly 3,000 living in apartments. During the housing boom, several of the apartment complexes were converted to condominiums in an effort to keep up with the condo demand. There were also new condominiums and town house communities that were built. When the market crashed, many of these units were left vacant and for a time there were major issues in some of the complexes with vacancy and failure to pay association fees. The majority of these units have since been sold and are now occupied. Partially complete construction projects have been for the most part been completed. The communities are still maintained, but the values of the units are not at their former very high price tags.